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Hi, I'm VanessaSaurus, a Software Engineer.
Building tools, containers, and cloudy things, with a penchant for Python and parsnips. -- about me


Seeing Yourself In the beginning of 2018, I had my third (and hopefully last) brain / spine and neck surgery, and literally and figuratively confronted myself. I saw a picture that brought back this memory today, and would like to tell this... Read more

Distributed Applications with gRPC I hit a point last weekend when I had reached my limit with LAMMPS, and more specifically, MPI. It’s not to say that I won’t be using this app or MPI interfaces in extreme depth for the present or remainder... Read more

The Flux Operator I am immensely proud to announce today that our paper on the Flux Operator is published in F1000 Research. This work represents my first taste of Kubernetes (at the end of 2022) and the start of work in a space... Read more

Nuances of Job Design: Testing with Kueue This weekend I delved into (what I thought might be) a very simple project. For some context, the week earlier (this last week) was completely lovely - I was doing my first exploration into understanding of a queueing system for... Read more